Saturday, October 24, 2009


Picture taken July 17th

My mom has been home for the summer & is doing quite well considering. In July, she found out there were some spots on her liver now along with more spots on her pancreas. She had 2 chemotherapy treatments in August & they just about did her in. In August she bumped her head & it caused a bleed on her brain which resulted in surgery. Her recovery has gone very well from the surgery, thank goodness. She has decided to hold off on chemotherapy & try a more natural approach to fighting the cancer. So far so good....(knock on wood). It is time for her & CB to move back down to San Simone for the winter & she is looking forward to that. Til next time..

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Better Day!

My mom is still having trouble with bloodclots but seems to be getting better. She starts 1/2 of her chemo treatment this week & hopefully her body can handle it. There was a good turnout at the benefit & the raffles seem to be going good (drawings on May 9th for a rifle & steer). Thanks for all the prayers, they have helped so much!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pneumonia Update......

What a CRAZY week!!! My mom is doing SO MUCH BETTER!!! Tuesday she developed an internal bleed which resulted in 4 units of blood being given. What a SCARY situation! With (2) blessings given during that week, by Friday she was off the ventilator & Sunday she was out of ICU. I can't believe how far she has come. She is AMAZING!!! She still has a slow recovery but is on the mend =) Thanks again for all the prayers!!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009


I am updating Grandma Arlene's Blog to let you know she is fighting pneumonia at Northwest Medical Center in Tucson. She is in the ICU, 2nd floor, room 20, for those able to go & visit her. She is currently hooked up to a ventilator to help her body recover. The Dr's are VERY optimistic that she will get better. Her body is weak from the chemotherapy treatments & the antibiotics are FINALLY starting to help. It looks like she will be in the hospital for probably atleast another week if not longer. She has had 3 blood transfusions because she is anemic. Hopefully she will continue to get stronger & start feeling better again soon. The cancer is still in remission, which is GREAT news!! I will try to update her blog as we receive news from the Dr's. Thank you for all the prayers, I know she feels them!