Monday, February 16, 2009


I am updating Grandma Arlene's Blog to let you know she is fighting pneumonia at Northwest Medical Center in Tucson. She is in the ICU, 2nd floor, room 20, for those able to go & visit her. She is currently hooked up to a ventilator to help her body recover. The Dr's are VERY optimistic that she will get better. Her body is weak from the chemotherapy treatments & the antibiotics are FINALLY starting to help. It looks like she will be in the hospital for probably atleast another week if not longer. She has had 3 blood transfusions because she is anemic. Hopefully she will continue to get stronger & start feeling better again soon. The cancer is still in remission, which is GREAT news!! I will try to update her blog as we receive news from the Dr's. Thank you for all the prayers, I know she feels them!